Set Teacher Profile

Teachers can update their profiles by following these steps.

Step 1:Follow the link:

Step 2:In theDashboardinterface​, clickSetting.

Step 3:CustomizeDisplay Name,AvatarPassword.

  • Change Display Name:Retype the login name in theDisplay Namebox into the teacher's real name then chooseSave.
    Example: The teacher's name is “Ms. Jennifer”.
  • Change Avatar:Click theCamera icon, then select the teacher's photo to set as a profile picture.


    • The avatar is a square, with a minimum size of 100 x 100 pixels.
    • Skip this step if you don't have a profile photo yet. Resort to the default photo provided by TypingTop system, and update it later.
  • Change Password:ClickChange Password.

    In the change password interface, filling the password-related information into boxes below:

    • Old password:The current login password of the account.
    • New password:The new login password that the teachers want to use. New password must be at least 6 characters long.
    • Re-enter new password:Re-enter the new password ( re-enter password must match the password above).

    Once it is done, clickChange password.

    Note:Teachers can skip this step if there is no need to change the passcode.

Step 4:After setting up the profile information, clickChange password.

Above are steps for teachers to update their profile. To view their achievement, teachers might want to take a look atView Notifications.